Thursday, July 10, 2014

Come As You Are!

Elyzabeth reporting.

The Green Fairy
As usual, it's been a while. I wanted to do a post on costuming, but don't have the pictures of the costumes I wanted to highlight. So, I'm hopping into Mr Peabody's Wayback Machine, and showing of my Photoshopping at the same time.

This picture was taken about 5 years ago. It was Halloween and wore this to the office. I hate to say that most of the people I worked with had no appreciation for the amount of effort I put into my costumes.

I like this photo for the sole reason that it's the only one of me when my hair was green. But, I had to do something about the background, because I was standing in front of some filing cabinets. Not exactly the enchanted forest look. I just cut me out and put me in front a mystical background.
I Love My Wings

Probably most of you have seen this picture of  me on Facebook. I love it because it shows off the wings and the costume from behind. The wings are from Fancy Fairy.  One of these days, I'm going to have to look into getting a more petite pair of wings. These are hard to wear in a crowded room.

One particular Halloween, at least a dozen years ago, my kids both requested an "Under The Sea" costume. Trevor requested a shark and Lyza wanted a copy of the outfit her Mermaid Barbie was wearing.
The Mighty Trevor Shark
I really loved the way the costumes turned out, but the pictures I took of them were pretty boring. Since I took the pictures in front of a neutral background, they were not too difficult to Photoshop.

Trevor of course is hanging out with some tropical fish and his other shark friend. Lyza is hanging out with a whole crowd of Mermaid Barbies.
Mermaid Lyza

The year before this underwater extravaganza, Trevor was a stegosaurus, and unfortunately, I didn't get a single decent photo of him that shows the plates and spikes down the back.  Lyza requested a Barbie costume copy that year as well. It was a Fairy Barbie, with wings you could use to blow bubbles with.
Fairy Lyza
I love the way I have her sitting on a cloud, but this picture doesn't really do the costume any justice. Also, it was much harder for me to find a decent picture of that particular Barbie. The shot of Lyza on the lower left, she's actually holding her Fairy Barbie.

Sir Trevor
Since I couldn't show you a decent picture of Trev as a dinosaur, I will end this with a photo that isn't Photoshopped in any way. It just shows what a very handsome fellow my son is. He has quite a collection now of swords and daggers, but the one he's holding in this picture might be the first real sword he owned. It's from Starfire Swords and it was given to him by his wonderful Nona (that's my Mum!). She was the business manager for Starfire for a number of years.

I hope I will have another blog post soon. Well, sooner than a month from now at any rate. I'm working on a fun new costume, that I'm making out of mostly recycled material. I wanted to show it off in a blog, but I'm at a bit of a halt because my adorable new puppy chewed through the cord of my serger. I also want to show of the Wild Wild West gambler outfit I created for my husband. I just need to pin him down long enough to model it for me.  Soon I hope!

Regards, Elyzabeth

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